Getting used to our new Zoe ZE and really enjoying driving using the eco mode and the regenerative braking. Have got the miles / kv up from 3.5 to 4.0 during a couple of weeks of mixed rural / small town driving….no motorways! Is 4.0 about as good as I will get or should I, with more practice at “ ev driving” expect more?
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I am averaging around 4 miles pKWh at the moment but was getting 4.8 during the summer.
@Andy Palfreman
I would recommend you monitor over a period of time to be honest so you can get a true balance throughout the seasons .Batteries hate the cold!
If you have taken your averages during the cold period we recently had, I would say you are not doing much wrong :)
@Brian Allen
Afternoon, OK, the easiest way you could compare is working out the cost for the gallon vs mpkw.
Current price in Peterborough for a litre of unleaded fuel is £1.49, therefore a gallon would cost you £1.49 * 4.4546 = £6.64. On this basis, as you were achieving 67mpg a mile was costing you 10p.
If you compare the cost to how much a KW is costing you currently (mine is .25p) and I am currently getting roughly 195 per charge. I have a 50kwh Zoe, so from empty to full, it would currently cost me about £12.50 which equates to 0.6p per mile.
I would like to compare how efficient my ev is compared to my previous petrol car Firstly I do not know what miles per kv means or how you find that out, unless you can convert that into mpg how do I know how much I am saving using the ev? I was getting 67mpg reading on my Yaris hybrid so I would like to compare that with my Zoe. I guess it must be a very complicated sum as it would depend on how much it is costing to charge the vehicle. Must be much more expensive if you are using public charging points.
This is just gobblygook to me! How do you get these figures and is there a way to convert this to miles per gallon? This, I am sure, is what most ev users want to know.
Batteries do not like the cold weather, your mileage will get much better as the weather improves. Enjoy your Zoe.
4.8+ during the warmer months mixed driving