here is one i saw on road of SW london on 18/09/: BK72HCC
the road tax lookup shows 1 outstanding recall by manufacturer, from couple of days ago, 15/12/ 😳
"This vehicle has been recalled since at least 15 December 2022.
Contact a RENAULT dealership to arrange for repairs.
If you've had the recalled component repaired recently, it can take up to 3 weeks for the manufacturer to update their records.
This information is provided by the vehicle manufacturer. If you think the information is wrong, contact the vehicle manufacturer's dealership. Please do not contact the DVSA, as we are not able to change the recall status." this particular one is of mid-spec Techno.
has any one example of Launch one? they may share same recall.

This might be a pre-launch vehicle out on a test drive? I had a test-drive some weeks back. My dealership had been loaned one for a couple of days before moving it on to another dealership. Grey Techno HT22 YYO. Pics on the internet how it's been out to reviewers. Has been licenced since 1st August. My dealership told me it's a pre-production model. When I remarked that it would soon be available second hand he said these pre-production specials stay with Renault and have to be scrapped! Make of that what you will.