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Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Jan 10, 2024
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
Hi All
I really interesting thing about Zoe's which seems strange to me is nobody talks about how you jack up a Zoe if say you want to change a wheel or replace a drop link for example. I have found some plates sticking through the sills with a slot in them, I was wondering if some special attachment should be fitted to these points to lift the vehicle.
I know the Zoe is a heavy car for its size and weight has been spared wherever possible for greater efficiency, so great care needs to be taken when lifting a Zoe to ensure a structural part of the car is used, never mind damaging the battery pack which obviously has its own risks.
So does know the correct tools and points required to lift a Zoe ?
Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Dec 10, 2023
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
My wife was on her way home late at night and had a blow out, Think it might be beyond repair.
I assume the wheels are only available from the main dealer unless anyone knows different.
Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Dec 04, 2023
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
OK, so my wife plugged my car in on Saturday night, it only needed about 8% charge to bring it up to 75%, this is pre configured on my Ohme Home Pro charger. I told my wife previously just plug it in, it will auto configure.
Well on this occassion it didn't, the charger had developed a nuisance fault, could't communicate with the car and fully charged the car to 100%, something I don't like doing, using peak rate electricity. Then mysteriously the charger resolved itself this morning on its own. Wonderful 😫, so how do I know this won't happen again.
Later, this morning, I drove the car to the shops and now the airbag light has come on. I'm beginning to think the anti EV brigade are right.
just thinking ahead, sometimes these cars may need a powerdown to resolve nuisance issues, has anyone done this, and is a radio code required, I cannot find a radio code in my pack, should I have one. Richy
Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Nov 20, 2023
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
Hi All
Frustratingly I have purchased a Konnei ODB2 KW902 from Amazon and I cannot get it to communicate with my car.
I have downloaded the app (CanZe) on my android phone, setup the blue tooth, paired with Konnei on my phone, Set Konnei as the connection in the CanZe app, car is switched on, Konnei is switched on and nothing. Just NAN everywhere. Feel like I have waisted my money on this. Am I missing something here. Richy
Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Oct 31, 2023
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
Just wondering what happens to my car once its 3 years old and the network connection is no longer supported by Renault. One thing I am expecting is that my charger will no longer be able to communicate with the car and so it won't know what the state of charge will be in the battery. I currently only charge to 75%, I guess that will no longer work. So what else won't work and is it possible to connect to the car using the hotspot on my phone. Richy
Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Oct 01, 2023
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
Hi All
My Zoe, on the drive selector, has no park facility. My assumption was that the gear box parking lock has been removed from the Zoe and the car now just relies on the rear electric parking brake to keep the car stationary when not in use.
However I notice that other electric cars have a reduction gearbox locking facility (park) and so I was wondering if the Zoe does still have this but may be purely an automatic function.
Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Sep 15, 2023
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
I'm sure this isn't possible from a Zoe but does anyone know if its possible by using your cars battery to power your home. Richy
Richard Wilson
Active Chatter
Sep 07, 2023
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
Hi All
Just bought my Zoe GT Line + from the Bradford Renault dealership, the car is 12 months old and the dealership gave the car a 12 month service before I collected it.
The problem I have is the Renault app is requesting I book the car in for a 12 month service. I have been onto custormer services numerous times to clear this and they are saying it cannot be done, Renault media said it could be done and I should email ( have emailed them now twice, and they havent even responded back. It looks like Customer services are saying the dealership need to load the service and the dealership are saying this cannot be done. Just a complete nightmare. Does anyone know anybody in Renault who I can contact with some influence to get this resolved.
Richard Wilson
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