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Forum Posts
Eduardo Poceiro
Aug 31, 2022
In ZOE Z.E.50/E-Tech 2019-Present
Hi. I'm from Portugal, so first of all sorry for may "not so good English". I have bought a Renault Zoe R135 form a Renault dealer. It's 10 moths old and 12500 KM'S. When it was bought, the dealer offered the first year service. But on the App it says it's still not done, and the on board computer said the it has to be done in October. I have spoken with the dealer, they said it was a mistake and haven't yet done the "ok" on the app and they forgot to do the reset on the on board computer. They check the cabin filter and said it was new. Well.....I would like to know where it is located so I can seen with my own eyes. They also said the car as no "real" service book. It's all done on this true? Thank you in advance. Best regards, Eduardo Poceiro.
Eduardo Poceiro
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